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What To Consider When Choosing An Outdoor LED Screen
Click: 664   Release Date: 2022-08-01   Author: admin

What To Consider When Choosing An Outdoor LED Screen


Whether you’re looking for outdoor LED screens in a growing business or want one to spruce up your backyard, you should know what products will suit your needs before buying. In this article, learn more about the different types of outdoor LED screens and get advice on which ones will work best for your company.


What is an Outdoor LED Screen?


Outdoor-LED screens are perfect for use in any outdoor space. They provide a bright and touch-screen-like experience while keeping your guests entertained. There are several factors to consider when choosing an outdoor LED screen, including its size, features, and price.


Features and Benefits of Outdoor LED Screens


There are many benefits to using outdoor LED screens. Some of the features include:


-They are portable and can be moved around easily.

-They can be used in any weather condition.

-They have low power needs and can be operated with a small battery.

-They are affordable and easy to install.


Types of Outdoor LED Screens


When you are looking to buy an outdoor LED screen, you should consider a few things. First, what type of screen do you want? There are three main types: retractable, movable, and fixed. Retractable screens are the most common, and they unclip from the frame and can be pulLED away when not in use. Movable screens are similar to retractables but have a hinge so they can be rotated around a central axis. Fixed screens are the least common, just what their name implies- fixed in one place.


Once you decide on the type of screen you want, there are a few other factors to consider. How big do you want the screen? Most screens range from 8-10 feet wide to 6-8 feet tall. How high do you want the screen? Most screens are between 4 and 6 feet high. What kind of lighting do you need? Indoor-LED screens usually use LED lights, but outdoor LED screens can also use halogen or incandescent bulbs. Do you have any specific requirements for the screen, like brightness or color ranges?




Outdoor LED screens can be a fantastic addition to any commercial or outdoor setting. They add excitement and wonder to your visitors and are also very energy-efficient, which is great news for businesses looking to save money on their electricity bills. When choosing an outdoor LED screen, it is important to consider a few key factors, such as the size and shape of your installation and the type of image you would like displayed. If you have questions or concerns about selecting the right Outdoor LED Screen for your business, don’t hesitate to contact the LEDlink team.